Using Personal Color Analysis with Jewelry

Using Personal Color Analysis with Jewelry

Cool tones, warm tones, color analysis- what? When you scroll on Tiktok or through your YouTube feed, you see everyone covered in a variety of rainbow colored cloth in which they then say that these colors have unlocked their true fashion potential. But what exactly does this all mean, and how can you utilize color analysis towards selecting the correct jewelry?

What Exactly Is Personal Color Analysis?
Though not a new practice, color analysis found its fame worldwide after blowing up in South Korea. As you may already know, South Korea has been a leader in the skincare, beauty, and fashion industry, especially as Korean celebrities found worldwide fame. These celebrities often incorporate personal color analysis into their branding and image, and with the surge of international K-pop and K-drama enthusiasts, personal color analysis became a popular trend.

Personal color analysis is an event that generally takes up to about an hour with a professional consultant. During the appointment, these consultants will cover their client in many different pieces of colored fabric to compare and contrast the colors that look better or worse on each individual. They will also explain why some colors work and why don’t, and extend a description of what hair colors, makeup shades, and jewelry that will best complement the client.

Possible Color Analysis Results
At its most basic form, everyone is either cool toned or warm toned, also known as hue. However, this is usually broken down to the details to accommodate contrasting factors, like blue eyes and tan skin. Personal color analysis will also consider things such as value, which is the lightness or darkness of a color and chroma, which is how muted or bright a color is. For example, someone with low chroma will shine in grays and ashy colors, but look washed out in colors with high saturation. These things combined will produce where you land in the seasonal color palettes.

What’s that, you ask? Well, the colors are broken down to the four seasons- spring, summer, fall, and winter. Spring and winter colors are stronger and louder, while fall and summer are softer and more muted. These then overlap and create categories ranging from dark winter to soft autumn. A professional assessment will match the client with one of these categories and help them to choose from the colors that best suit them.

Color Analysis and Jewelry
Once you have a proper analysis of what season you are, it’s best to purchase jewelry that relates to those colors. While purchasing jewelry, to truly grasp the full potential of your seasonal colors, you should keep in mind everything from the chain of the necklace to the gemstone that is on your ring.

If you are unable to get a professional assessment, a good rule of thumb is to consider your natural hair color, eye color, and skin tone. Generally, springs and autumns look good in jewelry with yellow-tinted gold or rose gold. Winters and summers are better in silver, white toned golds, and platinum. For gemstones and pendants, springs usually look great in greens, yellows, and even pinks. You can consider gems such as emeralds, or even topaz. For summers, shimmery pearls, opals, and moonstones are some of the best choices out there. Moving onto autumns, jades, rubies, and other earthy tones are the best to compliment anyone in that color category. And finally, for winters, diamonds, blues, and anything with a cool colored shine will help you stand out.

Now that you have a better idea of what a personal color analysis is, off you go to purchase pieces that will have you standing out and looking your absolute best!
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